With Trittico a new way of making gelato has begun: the Trittico method, the new Bravo adventure, one machine, inimitable, which is the most copied machine in the world today.
A dream which has been going on for over 40 years...
The history of Bravo is the story of a man whose passion and obstinacy made a dream come true. The founder, Genesio Bravo, was born in 1939 in a small Italian farm village, Nogarole Vicentino, in the province of Vicenza, where he passes his childhood and youth. Those times during the war and after the war are very difficult, but they also provide desire to bounce back.
Genesio Bravo had a dream since he was young: to build something new with his own hands. It is only after a long working career in several important engineering companies in Vicenza that he decides to go it his own. Thanks to a friend's suggestion he chooses the road of gelato machines..
A dream which has been going on for over 40 years...
The history of Bravo is the story of a man whose passion and obstinacy made a dream come true. The founder, Genesio Bravo, was born in 1939 in a small Italian farm village, Nogarole Vicentino, in the province of Vicenza, where he passes his childhood and youth. Those times during the war and after the war are very difficult, but they also provide desire to bounce back.
Genesio Bravo had a dream since he was young: to build something new with his own hands. It is only after a long working career in several important engineering companies in Vicenza that he decides to go it his own. Thanks to a friend's suggestion he chooses the road of gelato machines..
And so in 1967 Bravo came about.
Following the tradition of those years, the multi-machine system, Genesio begins producing pasteurizers and batch freezers. But this does not satisfy him, while he continues to study how to improve the system, he has this question:why can't the mixture be pasteurized and batch frozen in just one machine, thus saving time, energy and space?
This is the start of the revolution: in 1974 Genesio deposits the first of a long series of patents: Trittico , the first and only complete laboratory enclosed in just one machine, which in less than one square metre pasteurizes and batch freezes high quality artisan gelato. A patent which radically changes the way of thinking the artisan gelato workshop.
But Genesio does not stop there as his machine is his creature which must progress and always be updated. And so through the years new ideas come about, new expedients making work easier, new generations of machinery are invented: the 2000 series.
Trittico today is no longer a gelato making machine, but a true gelato, pastry and catering laboratory which with complex software and advanced technology is able to control many types of processes automatically, at the same time respecting tradition and the creativity of the professional.
The company continues to grow thanks to the continuity of the new generation: Giuseppe Bravo is managing director of the company today, while the engineer Stefano Bravo coordinates the team of engineers in the research and development department, carrying on the path of ongoing progress undertaken by his father over 40 years ago.
Turnover grows, the trademark repositions itself on the market, the sales network increases year by year and international branches spring up transforming Bravo into the solid and efficient international company which it is today.
The story of Bravo goes on: it is the story of a dream, of an adventure.
It is the story of a family, which works every day with commitment and passion.
It is the story of over forty years of unending innovation...
The BRAVO SpA company headquarter is located in Montecchio Maggiore Vicenza, the city of Palladio. Easily accessible, Montecchio maggiore is now the point of reference for those seeking innovative solutions in the world of pastry and gelato and catering.
Via della Tecnica, 5
36075 Montecchio Maggiore
Vicenza, Italy
Ph.: +39 0444 707700
Fax : +39 0444 499333
Email : info@bravo.it
Feature Supplier
Genesio Bravo
Giuseppe Bravo
Montecchio Maggiore Vicenza
Nogarole Vicentino
Stefano Bravo
Via Lago