
Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots How top-performing hotels use PMS data to maximize revenue performance

As the technological hub of a hotel, the PMS contains an abundance of valuable data about guests and their booking behavior. In this joint eBook, Starfleet Research, leading PMS provider Sabre Hospitality Solutions and IDeaS Revenue Solutions take a look at those key strategies utilized by top performing hotels to harness this insightful data to maximize revenue performance.

All revenue is not equal. Some revenue costs too much to capture. Other revenue could have earned you more.

IDeaS Channel Performance:

A Guest-Centric Revenue Strategy

Why Automated Revenue Management? So much data. So much complexity. So much change. Such realities have moved pricing and forecasting beyond manual processes and the unaided mind.

Advanced algorithms and processing speeds help revenue managers make fast, complex decisions that are based less on gut instinct and more on empirical science. This enables services to be optimally priced on an ongoing basis.

Only IDeaS delivers the technology, expertise and support it takes to recognize these scenarios and optimize your revenue quality. IDeaS pioneered automated hotel revenue management more than 25 years ago — a technology that is now a global industry standard and a competitive necessity. Today, our diverse portfolio of cloud-based solutions makes revenue automation an affordable reality for hospitality and travel businesses everywhere.

We want our guests to do their own thing, and our take on revenue management is similar. We need to be able to do our own thing. My team couldn't be happier that IDeaS RMS will help us catch trends and booking patterns more quickly - allowing us to price ourselves ahead of the competition.- Director of Sales and Marketing, ACME Hotel Company


A pioneer and global technology leader, IDeaS offers industry-leading revenue management solutions for business of all types and sizes in the global hospitality and travel industries.

Throughout our 25-year history, our mission has been the same. We want to make revenue management so user-friendly, insightful and profitable that you wouldn’t dream of doing it any other way.

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